Using Kolbe to Communicate More Naturally | February 14th at 11 AM ET

Client Spotlight: Beyond M&A

April 03, 2019

  • Client Spotlight
  • Kolbe Wisdom

Hutton Henry (2-2-9-5), CEO of U.K. consulting firm, Beyond M&A, has had a momentous 14 months. Since becoming Kolbe Certified™ he has launched a book, been a featured speaker at Kolbe’s Conation Nation Symposium, and continued the crusade for a people-first approach to mergers and acquisitions.

Working with Ford when they acquired Jaguar, and HP when acquiring Compaq, Beyond M&A’s CEO Hutton Henry learned that incredibly complex post-merger challenges were essentially people issues. With 25+ years’ experience in the field, he built his business to help companies accelerate and improve the quality of M&A integration and associated technology through a people-first approach.

In 2017, Hutton became a Kolbe Certified Consultant and began incorporating Kolbe Wisdom™ into Beyond M&A, even writing a book, People First, about how to engage the conative strengths of technology teams during integrations. Soon after, Kolbe Corp invited Hutton to present a breakout session on building an effective consulting practice at Conation Nation Symposium, one of the rare times that a newly-Certified Consultant has filled a speaking opportunity at Kolbe’s annual conference.

Since then, Beyond M&A has started to work with Private Equity firms to demonstrate how using conative strengths can increase staff retention and improve productivity and business value. The company also launched their “Love Mondayscampaign on its website, highlighting the positive benefits of work culture on well-being. Hutton was recently invited to a board position of the U.K. Government’s Digital Skills Initiative where he worked with the BBC, Dropbox and Ensono to address the Digital Skills Gap. We are excited to see Hutton and Beyond M&A broaden the awareness and applications of Kolbe Wisdom around the world.

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  • Client Spotlight
  • Kolbe Wisdom


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