Using Kolbe to Communicate More Naturally | February 14th at 11 AM ET

Hire RightFit Talent

Take the mystery out of hiring: There’s more to being successful than charm and intelligence. Only Kolbe RightFit™ software identifies what a job demands and whether a candidate’s instinctive approach is likely to make them successful. Hire the right candidate for the right job, right away.

What is Kolbe RightFit?

RightFit is Kolbe’s statistically proven hiring system that screens and selects the best job applicants. RightFit makes finding the right person easier and far less expensive than traditional selection methods. Using this system, companies have greatly reduced costly turnover and built productive teams.

“If you don't use Kolbe [in hiring], you can pretty well guarantee failure.”

Dan Sullivan (2-2-10-4), Co-Founder, Strategic Coach

Here's How RightFit works

The supervisor of the role takes the Kolbe A™ Index to identify their natural strengths, followed by the Kolbe C™ Index to identify the strengths required in the role. View Kolbe C Sample
The supervisors Kolbe A result and the C Index result are used to create a Kolbe Range of Success™ Report. This report identifies the ideal range for candidates Kolbe A result for the role. View Range of Success Sample
The Candidate Report generates an A to F grade by comparing the candidate's Kolbe A Index result against the Range of Success report created for the role. View Candidate Report Samples

Hire the RightFit

Learn more about Kolbe RightFit™ from this free RightFit overview webinar. In “The Secret to Hiring the RightFit”, Eric Herrera, Kolbe Corp VP of sales, breaks down:

• How Kolbe differs from other assessments on the market

• The step-by-step process for integrating Kolbe RightFit into your selection process

• Real examples of companies and leaders who are using RightFit to grow their teams

This video also includes a Q&A, but if you have any remaining questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

The Benefits of Hiring with Kolbe RightFit

  • Increase retention
  • Increase productivity
  • Boost team synergy
  • Streamline hiring process
  • Reduce job-related stress

“The biggest practical use (for Kolbe) I've found would be hiring. Our last hire, we just nailed it on the button. And I think this is one of the greatest tools that I have in my toolbox as a business owner.”

Dan Aberhart (8-3-8-2), Managing Partner, Aberhart Ag Solutions

The Key to RightFit Hiring

Hiring through Kolbe RightFit™ is NOT about who to say ‘NO’ to. It’s about finding someone whose natural strengths will line up beautifully with a given job. When it’s done well, it helps both sides, and part of doing it well is having that positive mindset.

  • Reduce Turnover

    Within three years of using Kolbe RightFit, we reduced turnover by 40% and our retention rate is at 6.2 years and climbing!

    PsilitiskyMO Paul Silitsky (6-6-7-2), CEO, AnswerQuest
  • Single Biggest Predictor of Success

    "Kolbe RightFit has been the single biggest predictor of success for us with new hires... When we have gone against it we have typically failed, and when we follow it we typically succeed."

    MHyatt-7482 Michael Hyatt , Founder and Chairman, Michael Hyatt and Company
  • Avoid the consequences of bad hires

    “The Kolbe System is remarkable! By avoiding the consequences of bad hires and hassles of employee politics, Kolbe helps business owners focus on the things that got them excited about having a business in the first place”

    DSullivan22104 Dan Sullivan (2-2-10-4), CEO, Strategic Coach

The Powerful RightFit™ Interview Guide

The RightFit Interview Guide is a proven process with questions that consider the whole person. It helps employers screen and interview candidates, enabling them to discern the levels of effort a particular candidate normally demonstrates. It provides a step-by-step process for discovering whether a candidate exhibits the level of effort you need for a specific position.

The RightFit Interview Guide walks you through a sequence of interviews, and provides interview questions, advice on how to interpret answers and worksheets to keep track of interviewees’ responses.

Ask us about using RightFit with Kolbe’s Powerful WAREwithal® Software

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