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Culture Means Everything in a Growing Business

July 28, 2022

  • Business is Business
  • Kolbe Wisdom
  • Podcast

Here’s Why You Need Kolbe for the People Component of Your Organization


“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

– Peter Drucker


All your greatest ideas, your most ambitious goals, and your best-laid plans will mean nothing over the course of time if you don’t build a culture with intent. Make sure they are happy with where they’re at, what they’re doing, and with whom they’re doing it.

“Why would you spend time working with people you don’t like, doing things you don’t like, even though you might be good at it?” asks Mark O’Donnell, CEO and Visionary of EOS Worldwide. “If you have a whole company of people who share your core values, who get, want, and have the capacity to do their job really well, the likelihood and probability of you achieving your revenue and profit goals or market share goals, whatever goals you have, just go up so much higher.”

One of the best ways to start creating a culture that values your people is to make sure you understand those people better. Kolbe allows leaders to identify how their team members naturally take action and use that knowledge to align them with roles and duties that fit their instinctive strengths and put everyone in position to optimize communication and collaboration. It makes sure everyone has that capacity to do their job really, really well over the long term. This not only reduces stress and boosts productivity, but it allows you to create that intentional culture.

“Kolbe creates a common language amongst the leadership team and the entire organization where you are making a big leap in team health in less than an hour’s worth of time,” O’Donnell explains. “It’s the 20/80 rule to team health. You understand conflict in between different team members. You understand if someone’s in the wrong seat. It is just super, super impactful.”

If you respect and care for the people you're working with, and you're okay just sticking them in a job that they're good at but they hate, those things don't live together.

David Kolbe, CEO and Visionary, Kolbe Corp

With Kolbe RightFit™ for hiring, you can continue to add to that culture by adding employees who are not only a great fit for the team, but also for their specific roles. By ensuring that each person in your company is given freedom to be themselves, to approach tasks and problems in a way that meshes with their natural instincts, you create a culture where people are in jobs that work for them.

“There’s got to be that cohesion, that respect and care for the people that you’re working with,” explains David Kolbe, CEO and Visionary of Kolbe Corp. “If you respect and care for the people you’re working with, and you’re okay just sticking them in a job that they’re good at but they hate, those things don’t live together.”

When you can give people the freedom to be themselves, you avoid those employees who get to a point where they’re just kind of sick and tired of trying to be somebody they’re not. You avoid team members who are burned out and they’re not going to do it anymore. Instead, you get employees who are much more likely to be joyful and teams that are much more likely to be cohesive and fun-loving. In other words, you get a great culture.

A great company culture starts with you. To identify your own instinctive strengths and set yourself up for sustained success, take the Kolbe A™ Index.

    Posted in:
  • Business is Business
  • Kolbe Wisdom
  • Podcast


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